Creating aesthetically pleasing and engaging spaces for learning and performance is a challenge you’ll be able to master by theming your Totara site and by using dashboards to create personalised areas for your users.
Dashboards are a space in the system which you can create and build using the content that’s appropriate to your needs. You decide which users have access to which dashboards, and the priority order in which they see them. Using dashboards is a great way to create personalised user journeys and ensure your users have access to everything they need to support their learning and performance.
Dashboards can be targeted to users with audiences, meaning you can create personalised homepages and experiences for your employees and learners based on profile fields, previous completions, onboarding processes and more. They're so flexible ..!
This video is taken from the Totara Academy course - Dashboards and basic theming V14. Why not enrol now and learn how you can take control of your dashboards in Totara.
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Learning Management. Solved.
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