Thanks to Totara Learn and Chambury Learning Solutions, MTW's employee population now
have the Freedom to Learn and develop equally across the organisation, with streamlined processes to support learning and performance management...
...gaining the Totara Awards Highly Commended recognition for Healthcare in 2019.
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust [MTW] is a large acute hospital Trust in the south east of England. The Trust was legally established on 14 February 2000 and provides a full range of general hospital services, and some areas of specialist complex care to around 560,000 people living in the south of West Kent and the north of East Sussex.
"It really is all about the cliché of working smarter not harder. Utilising the wider functionality of our Totara based MTWLearning system supported by Chambury Learning Solutions has fast tracked our organisation in the use of technology enhanced learning and development."
Learning Management. Solved.
Chambury Learning Solutions is a Totara Platinum Partner specialising in Learning Management systems (LMS), eLearning content development and Moodle. Get in touch.