Join Genevieve Tofield, Talent and Development Manager, as she walks us through Etex's Totara journey and discusses lessons learnt throughout the process.
You can pre-read their award winning case study here.
17th Feb at 4pm.
20-25 minutes with 5-10 minutes for questions Title: From spreadsheet to LMS- Totara's best manufacturing project 2020
Registration link:

Etex is an experienced international building materials company which aims to inspire people around the world to build living spaces that are ever more safe, sustainable, smart and beautiful. Etex Building Performance UK worked with Totara Alliance Partner Chambury Learning Solutions to start from scratch with a learning management system (LMS) to replace their basic spreadsheet-based learning records. Etex needed to create locally relevant content to help bring the site to life and engage its learners. As a result of COVID-19 and the UK’s national lockdown Etex Building Performance needed to keep 500 furloughed employees engaged, informed and reassured about pandemic developments, as well as equipping them with the skills to learn off-site throughout the lockdown. The ‘Learning Hub’ was rebranded as the ‘Learning & Communication Hub’, and the content was updated in a matter of days to include resources such as CEO updates, wellbeing content, quizzes and a chat facility to enable employees to stay in touch at a difficult time. The LMS saw a staggering 284% increase in usage over the pandemic as staff sought ways to stay informed and connect.

Like what you heard ..? ... then get in touch and find out how we can help you get a better LMS Learning Management. Solved. https://www.chamburylearningsolutions.co.uk info@chamburylearningsolutions.co.uk #ChamburyLS #totara #etex_group #totaralearning #stayathome