Utilisation of Totara Learn, alongside rapid authoring toolkits, provide mobile accessible learning content. Developing knowledge and skill directly relevant to service users, ultimately improving delivery of care.
GMMH benefits from the Freedom to Innovate with Totara Learn, as they can now develop their own e-learning packages as and when they need to, ensuring that content is always kept up to date.
"By choosing Totara LMS, GMMH Trust has saved hundreds of thousands pounds than it would have if we used an alternative LMS.
With the help of Totara Learn we have been able to target specific groups of staff some of which require specific training which was part of a recommendation from the Local Government Ombudsman, and are able to monitor this targeted group of staff using Totara Learn reporting capabilities."
Learning Management. Solved.
Chambury Learning Solutions is a Totara Platinum Partner specialising in Learning Management systems (LMS), eLearning content development and Moodle. Get in touch.